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این محصول به صورت فایل می باشد و پس از پرداخت موفق توسط شما بلافاصله قابلیت دانلود دارد.
لینک دانلود محصول هم به نشانی ایمیل شما ارسال می گردد و نیز در صفحه حساب شخصی شما ذخیره می گردد. (حجم فایل: 332 KB)

قیمت قبلی: 790,000 تومان
قیمت: 590,000 تومان

نهایت ارامش با تن ارامی در 31 دقیقه زبان انگلیسی (اطلاعات بیشتر کلیک کن)


The maximum quietness With relaxation in 21 minutes



Production and Recording: Sajad Shahroki

Product Name: Comfort with Relaxation in 31 minutes

(available for download after payment

File Type: Downloadable MP3 Audio

Duration:  Approximately 31 minutes

File size: 45 MB MP3 with excellent quality recordings

Author CD : Sajjad Shahroki (author of 100000 affirmation - personal adviser NLP - speaker - author - translator

Available in: Computer - Laptop - Mobile - tablet - and all sets which are audio playback in MP3 format

Download  guid book of Relaxation in Enlglish- PDF

Note: When using this product must have been lying in a quiet and preferably dark

Only 31 minutes from the endless relaxation and enjoyment away


What is included in this relaxation audio file

The audio file with exactly the right hemisphere of the brain balanced mix songs for the release of your body and soul begins

Download  guid book of Relaxation in Enlglish- PDF

 The First step should be prepared for the early stages of relaxation which including Turn off  mobile phones, laptop  and other electronical devices and go to a quiet place
After the relaxation begins And parts of the body are relaxed


In The second phase: Creative visualization combined with the alpha position takes place by relaxation in beautiful quiet place will be done

The Third stage: the stage of physical and spiritual recovery do which fully explained step by step by the speaker-Sajadshahrokhi


Download  guid book of Relaxation in Enlglish- PDF

The benefits of relaxation

Relaxation is a method of psychotherapy that is used to obtain peace of mind and control muscle strength-In other words, relaxation method that it uses a series of exercises to help your body and aware your feelings

The benefits of this audio exercise relaxation

By doing this exercise you will reach the following achievements
Better manage and control your own body
Retaining a lot more inner peace
Relaxation reduces stress
Increase your intuitive sense
You will get Great ideas for more successful work in business and personal life By practicing relaxation
Creative visualization has become much more powerful and the power of your brain hundred percent increase
Your self-esteem and confidence both gave upgrade
Rest and sleep will be much deeper

The morning after a long night's sleep will be much lighter and better you will feel happy
You will have more Charismatic with relaxation exercises
Increase your intuitive sense and Your right hemisphere of your brain for success in life will be activated
Life will be much easier and more beautiful With the continuing relaxation
You get much less angry And the spirit will be more relaxed
The continuation of this exercise, you have a very healthy body and stronger and more will be refreshed
Regenerates skin cells will be much more active, The result will be a much younger body
Practice relaxation is a wonderful spiritual bath
By doing this exercise, you will  great perspective on life and the universe
As your body gets infected every time you go to the bathroom,Relaxation wonderful way to wash and clean up the pollution of the spirit is spirit, Relaxation of extraordinary spiritual bath to purify your soul

Special bonus

Sublimental music program for the unconscious mind will be send beside Relaxation MP3 file

  Approximately 300 minutes

Remember the price is $ 120 with free

audio Relaxation file will be sent to you


Download  guid book of Relaxation in Enlglish- PDF





نهایت ارامش با تن ارامی در 31 دقیقه زبان انگلیسی (اطلاعات بیشتر کلیک کن)

کد محصول تن ارامی

نظرات کاربران درباره نهایت ارامش با تن ارامی در 31 دقیقه زبان انگلیسی (اطلاعات بیشتر کلیک کن)

نظری در مورد این محصول توسط کاربران ارسال نگردیده است.
اولین نفری باشید که در مورد نهایت ارامش با تن ارامی در 31 دقیقه زبان انگلیسی (اطلاعات بیشتر کلیک کن) نظر می دهد.

ارسال نظر درباره نهایت ارامش با تن ارامی در 31 دقیقه زبان انگلیسی (اطلاعات بیشتر کلیک کن)

لطفا توجه داشته باشید که ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد.

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